Patent Infringement Litigation

Los Angeles Patent Infringement Attorneys

Whether an idea proves to be groundbreaking depends on the untapped value of the innovation. For an entrepreneur or business leader, timing can be everything. Success is often defined by entrepreneurs who secure patents ahead of their competitors.

A patent can serve as an insurance policy to protect businesses and entrepreneurs from competitors attempting to capitalize off their innovation. Patents are often the most lucrative assets in a company’s portfolio. Small to mid-market companies retain the law firm of Syverson, Lesowitz & Gebelin, LLP, to protect their intellectual property interests in litigation. One of our partners, Erik Syverson, is at the cutting edge of intellectual property litigation and Internet law. We represent defendants and plaintiffs in intellectual property litigation including patent matters.

Handling Online Patent Litigation in Southern California

The explosion of social media, affiliate based marketing, mobile payment systems, and smartphones has laid the foundation for digital innovation. Infringement litigation also tends to increase significantly in eras of innovation. The Internet has left companies more susceptible to infringement concerns given the openness of the internet and international trade with countries like China. Our law firm has expertise regarding international infringement matters arising in countries such as China, Brazil, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

We offer strong advocacy and legal counsel to aid companies involved in patent infringement litigation, including cases involving:

  • Online gaming systems
  • Communications protocols
  • Networking methods
  • Encryption techniques
  • Online payment systems
  • Affiliate marketing

We have access to industry-leading experts, including forensic accountants invaluable in helping us determine the cost associated with pursuing a trial verdict and the damages that may be recoverable. Our focus in preparing patent infringement cases for a favorable trial verdict may prompt the opposing side to cooperate in resolving the dispute to avoid the expense of trial.

Contact Our California Patent Infringement Lawyer

For more information about our patent infringement litigation services, contact our Los Angeles law firm to meet with a highly skilled California patent infringement attorney.

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