Disabled Instagram Accounts

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with millions of active users sharing photos, videos, and stories every day. However, sometimes, Instagram may disable an account due to various reasons such as violating the platform’s terms of service or using an automated system to like or follow other users. If your account has been disabled, don’t worry, as you may be able to recover it with our help. We are able to break through the noise by taking your case directly to Instagram’s general counsel by formally serving Instagram with our legal points and authorities via Instagram’s agent for service of process. We deal with Instagram and its attorneys on an almost daily basis and are able to help you get your account back in business. When your business depends on Instagram, time is money and we typically get you back up and running within a week.

Step 1: Check the reason for account disabling

The first step in recovering a disabled Instagram account is to determine the reason for the disabling. Instagram may disable an account for various reasons, including posting inappropriate content, using an automated system to like or follow other users, or violating the terms of service.

Step 2: Contact us via our contact form and provide your account details including username, associated email and/or phone number, date of disable and screen record of the disable(reason for disable). We will then provide you a flat fee quote based upon your circumstances. Our flat fees range from $10,000 to $15,000 depending on the complexities of the legal issues and reasons for disabling the account.

Step 3: Once you sign our retention letter and we receive payment, we will complete our work within one week. If your account is not reinstated 10 days after our retention, we will refund 70% of your flat fee. That’s how confident we are in our success rate which over history has been around 95%.

Step 4: Enjoy all the benefits of your Instagram account and resume business as usual or sharing vacation photos with family and friends.

Contact Us

Fill out the contact form or call us at 213-944-0098 to schedule your consultation.

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