E-Commerce Law

Los Angeles E-Commerce Lawyers

Many traditional law firms have struggled to understand the legal challenges presented by the Internet and e-commerce. Erik Syverson, a partner at Syverson, Lesowitz & Gebelin, LLP, has made Internet law the cornerstone of his law practice.

Attorney Erik Syverson and our legal team are fully capable of helping your business establish an online presence to conduct business. From our law office in Los Angeles, we serve clients across the United States and internationally. Contact us today to meet with a highly skilled Los Angeles Internet lawyer.

Southern California Internet Law Attorneys Working for You

Many of the things you take for granted in a brick-and-mortar business can’t be taken for granted online. Our e-commerce and Internet lawyers handle a wide range of issues unique to the Web, including:

  • Protecting intellectual property such as copyrights and trademarks on the Internet
  • Sales, leases and disputes involving domain names
  • Data encryption and protection standards
  • Website development deals and disputes
  • Developing website terms and conditions and privacy policies
  • Compliance with the federal CAN-SPAM Act
  • Reputation management and defamation
  • International business issues and disputes
  • Internet-based contests and sweepstakes
  • Affiliate marketing programs
  • Locating the most advantageous countries and/or states for hosting your e-commerce website
  • Pay-per-click advertising, unfair Internet business practices and Internet scams such as domain name hijacking

Handling the Formation of E-Commerce Businesses

At Syverson, Lesowitz & Gebelin, LLP, we will review your website and make sure it does not infringe on existing trademarks and copyrights. We will draft all legal disclaimers and safe harbor statements that will protect your business. Our legal team will also help you comply with any federal and state laws.

Where is the most advantageous location for your e-commerce business? We have counseled dozens of e-commerce businesses looking for the most appropriate country/location to form and host their Internet business. Every country has different laws and regulations that affect e-commerce. A lawyer with experience and knowledge as to the global Internet business environment may be essential to your business’s global success.

Contact Our California Internet Law Firm Today

For more information about e-commerce, contact our LA law firm today to discuss your case.

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